The Official Blog of Polymer Technologies, Inc.

Damping Techniques for Noise and Vibration Control


Damping is one of the most effective methods of controlling noise and vibration. It is a process that converts vibrational energy into heat, eliminating the vibrational energy through friction and other processes. Increasing damping or stiffness can both reduce resonant vibration and the resulting noise by preventing the vibration from travelling through the structure. Rubber … Read more Damping Techniques for Noise and Vibration Control

Safely & Efficiently Reducing Noise in Natural Gas Pumps

Power Gen

Many trucking companies are switching from diesel to natural gas to save costs and lessen pollution. Accordingly, there is a growing prevalence of fueling stations for trucks that use natural gas. These fueling stations can get extremely loud, and it is therefore important to implement the most effective noise control system to enhance truckers’ comfort … Read more Safely & Efficiently Reducing Noise in Natural Gas Pumps

Polymer Technologies: Bringing You Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

A recent conversation with Polymer Technologies Founder and CEO, Robert Prybutok, led us to take another look at how Polyform Molded Products solve real-life problems.  Here is a snippet from our Q&A session with Mr. Prybutok: Q:  Of all the materials you work with and all the solutions you create, do you have a favorite?  … Read more Polymer Technologies: Bringing You Sweet Dreams