A video interview with Polymer Technologies’ President and CEO Robert Prybutok was recently featured on Content Delaware. A website focusing exclusively on Delaware, Content Delaware features the faces and voices of individuals, institutions, and organizations throughout the state, in the stories behind the headlines. In their video piece “Made in DE: Polymer Technologies,” Prybutok offers a brief history of the company:
“Delaware is a great state. I grew my family in DE from the early 70’s…and rather than go to work for someone else out-of-state, which I could have easily done, I wanted to stay in DE…And that is why I started Polymer Technologies. It really started in my dining room. It was hard work but we managed to incrementally grow the business…We’ve never had a year where we hadn’t grown the business and had improved revenues over the previous year.”
Prybutok goes on to discuss the various materials created by Polymer and their uses. Mainly serving “people movers”—aerospace and transit industries—Polymer products improve thermal and acoustical experiences. Jarred Prybutok, VP/General Manager of Polymer Technologies, appears on screen to give detail as to how their materials are used to insulate the cabin areas of AM General’s Humvees:
“So every Humvee that’s made uses this insulation in the interior cab section. It’s used for thermal and acoustical insulation…and why that’s important is because if an [explosive device] hits a Humvee, this material is not going to rain fire on them as that unit is burning and gives [soldiers] a fighting chance to escape that vehicle.”
Robert Prybutok expresses his optimism for the future of Polymer Technologies saying, “We’re in a broad range of markets and we’re beginning to develop traction and have great visibility in the industries we serve. Therefore I see our growth being really unlimited.”